Business Resources

Below are the top products and services we utilize to deliver the best content on our online media properties. There are affiliate links below. We may earn a commission if you purchase through our links. Read full disclosure HERE.

Design & Branding Resources


Canva is an online DIY drag-and-drop graphic design tool that’s changed the game for small businesses and content creators. You can create social media graphics, logos, media kits, presentations, and more with Canva.

You can try Canva and play around with all the tools available for free for 30 days HERE.

Placeit by Envato 

Placeit shares similarities with Canva but is much more efficient for creating products mockups, designs, and videos. You can start a free account and learn more about Placeit by Envato HERE.

Site Hosting Resources


Sitegound is consistently rated highly for service and performance. You can buy a hosting package on a month-to-month basis or pay upfront for 1 – 2 years.

When you pay for 1 – 2 years in advance, you will receive a significant discount. Rates start from as little as $6.99/month.


BigScoot is another great hosting company with lightning-fast customer service and resources. We host our websites on both BigScoots and Siteground because it’s great to have options when it comes to online services.

BigScoot hosting services start from $5.95/month. You can pay monthly or annually but you’ll save more money with an annual payment. See the service packages offered HERE.

Website Themes Resources

GeneratePress Themes

GeneratePress is a theme designed to focus on performance, speed, security, and usability. Google loves these qualities in a website.

The GeneratePress framework is search engine optimized and offers a pre-built site library with over 30 easily customizable themes. You can use GeneratePress on as many sites as you like too!

LaFani Media is built on GeneratePress and it’s the only other theme we use apart from Restored316 Themes on Genesis Framework.

Restored316 Themes on Genesis Framework

The Genesis Framework has a clean and minimal structure that allows you to do anything you want with the theme. The Genesis Framework requires a child theme to work effectively. You can buy the framework plus a child’s theme or sign up for a membership for access to all the child’s themes.

We use Restored316 Child Themes for our websites built on Genesis Framework. For instance, 365 Gift Guide.

Domain Name Resources


You can register any domain name at a cost-effective price with Namecheap plus they offer discounts on new domains as well as renewals. New domain names start from under $10/year HERE.


If you’re going to purchase multiple domains, it’s always good to split your domain names between different registrars. Bluehost is a great alternative to Namecheap.

Bluehost domains start from under $10/year. Just head over HERE and click the “domains” button at the top of the page to register your domain name.

Accounting & Taxes

FreshBooks Accounting

Manage client invoices, track payments, record expenses and keep your business resources organized with FreshBooks. You can try out FreshBooks for free + utilize 50% off your first 3 months HERE.


7 million customers and counting love Quickbooks for running their business. It’s an amazing cloud accounting that can be used across multiple devices.

Quickbooks help you keep your documents organized and bill your clients on time. You can try it free for 30 days or jump straight into it with 50% off an annual subscription HERE.


TurboTax provides you with all the tools and resources required to file your taxes with ease every year. It’s user-friendly, 100% accurate, and double-checked for errors after you complete your taxes.

Whatever stage your business is in, there’s a right TurboTax level appropriate for you. Start with TurboTax for free HERE.

Email Marketing


If you’re going to collect email addresses, then ConverKit is a great email marketing management tool for this purpose. ConvertKit provides a lot of templates and design elements to choose from.

And if you get stuck anywhere along the way, the excellent customer support will jump right in to give you a hand.

Learn more about ConvertKit in this free webinar for converting your first 1,000 subscribers HERE.


Mailerlite is a slighter cheaper option than ConvertKit but they provide a different set of tools and resources. If you’re just starting out, Mailerlite is a good option but if you’ve already set up your website then ConvertKit might be best. Try Mailerlite for free HERE.

Both have free trial options but ConvertKit provides more webinars focusing on how to convert website visitors to subscribers.

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is one of the most important things about running a website. That’s how search engines will find your website and show it to people searching. We swear by the two resources below.


You can carry out comprehensive keyword research, competitor analysis, and Google Ad optimization with SEMrush. Both small and midsized business owners and will find the resources really useful. You can try it for free for 30 days when you sign up HERE.


Keysearch is a comparable tool to SEMrush with a lower price. You can carry out research on competition, keywords, optimize your content and rank better with the tools provided by Keysearch. Start a 1-month free trial plus grab 20% off with code KSDISC HERE.